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Classification of natural bitumen

Classification of natural bitumen

Classification of different types of natural bitumen:

As it was mentioned in the articles of Mad site, the origin and formation of natural bitumen is from crude oil, and based on the method of formation, physical properties, solubility in CS2 and chemical composition, natural bitumen is divided into different groups such as asphaltic pyrobitumen, non-asphaltic pyrobitumen. , asphaltite, etc. are divided.

These groups are divided into different branches, for example asphaltites are divided into three groups:

1- Gilsonite

2- Grahamite

3- Glance pitch

Gilsonite group is one of the best and most famous natural bitumen groups.

Different types of bitumen:

1- Pyrobitumen:

A general term for black, relatively hard and non-volatile natural substances, including hydrocarbons that are sometimes associated with oxygenated components and sometimes associated with minerals. They are insoluble and relatively insoluble in CS2.

2- Asphaltic pyrobitumen:

It is a part of pyrobitumen and is black in color. Contains hydrocarbons free of oxygen components.

Sometimes they are combined with mineral and insoluble materials and are divided into the following groups:
Elatrite, wurtzlite, impzonite and pyrobitumen asphaltic rocks

3- Non-asphaltic pyrobitumen:
They are a part of pyrobitumen and are black in color. It is relatively hard and insoluble and contains hydrocarbons with
Oxygenated components. It is accompanied by minerals and is insoluble in large quantities in CS2 and coal groups
peat, lignite, charcoal, bituminous coal, anthracite coal are divided.

4- Asphaltites:

The black bituminous material is relatively hard and non-volatile. Basically, it contains hydrocarbons free of oxygen
Sometimes they are accompanied by minerals. They are difficult to melt and are soluble in CS2 in large quantities.

As mentioned earlier, the asphaltite group is divided into three groups: gilsonite, grahamite and glans pitch. other
Asphaltites are distinguished due to the characteristics mentioned below

A- High solubility in organic solutions
B- High purity and stable properties
C- High nitrogen content
D- high molecular weight
Some of their characteristics are given in the table
Table of properties of gilsonite, glans pitch and grahamite



Gilsonite or Gilsonite:
It is a kind of mineral from the family of asphaltite and solid, brittle, black, shiny and low specific weight substances.
Sometimes it is accompanied by thin brown streaks. Gilsonite is soluble in turpentine. this mineral
It was discovered for the first time in 1862 in the Uinta sedimentary basin located in the state of Utah, USA. Production from Gilsonite mines is done by hydraulic methods. In the sense that high pressure water is used to dig and crush stones; And mechanical production is accompanied by explosion.

Different types of Gilsonite:

For commercial purposes, Gilsonite is classified and sold on the market based on its melting point, fracture degree, and granularity degree, and its types are as follows:

– Ordinary Gilsonite:
It has a melting point of 163 degrees Celsius with coarse fractures and is easily converted into fine particles. This type of mineral bitumen is found in abundance near oil reservoirs in the division of natural bitumen. This type of gilsonite mines usually have significant reserves. which is placed in different layers of the earth and in each layer the material has different quality and ash. Also, there are such bitumen mines in the west of Iran, in the Zagros mountains, in Kermansheh province, Gilangreb city, which can meet a significant amount of the needs of domestic and foreign consumers. Consumers of mineral bitumen bitumen can purchase by directly referring to bitumen mines and visiting such mines.

– Selected Gilsonite (Select):
It has a melting point of about 142 degrees Celsius with shiny fracture surfaces and does not easily turn into small particles.

– Select Screened Gilsonite:

It has characteristics similar to selective gilsonite, but it does not have fine particles and is in the form of granules. This type of mineral has its own uses and uses.
Gilsonite is used in making car battery body, polishes, rubber, paint and compound. Also, this mineral is used in making various types of waterproofing and isogam.

Factories producing isogam for construction, since by mixing this valuable material with bitumen, it can significantly increase the durability and quality of isogam, they are mostly buyers of this mineral.

The most important reason for buying these factories is the reasonable price and quality of this type of product.

One of the main uses of Gilsonite is its use in the cement composition of oil wells. Maad natural bitumen mine is the main supplier of this product directly to you, dear customers, by extracting natural bitumen in very high tonnage.

You can contact Maad Mine sales advisors to get this product




Another mineral of the asphaltite family is grahamite, which can be characterized by being harder,
More specific weight, more brittleness and higher melting point and finally less dissolution ability than distinct gilsonite
made The color of grahamite is blacker than gilsonite and its fracture surfaces are conchoidal. Some believe
It is believed that grahamite is the result of gilsonite transformation.

Grahamite is sometimes seen in pure form and sometimes in impure form and mixed with 50% of other minerals. This mineral was discovered for the first time in 1860 in Ritchie County, West Virginia, USA. There are mines in other US states, including Colorado and Oklahoma, and other countries such as Cuba and Trinidad, but its production has been stopped for years.

Glance Pitch:
Another name of this mineral is Manjak and it is one of the other minerals of asphaltite family. The properties of glans pitch are intermediate between gilsonite and grahamite, meaning that its specific gravity is higher than gilsonite and lower than grahamite.
And its melting point is higher than gilsonite and lower than grahamite. This mineral was first discovered in Barbados, but later it was also discovered in Utah, Cuba, Argentina, Colombia, Mexico and Russia. The uses of gloss screw are in the manufacture of polished paint, paints, thermoplastics, etc.

Another name is Gilsonite, from the Asphaltite family, which is used locally in the state of Utah.

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